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PCIM Europe 2012 as the international leading exhibition and conference for power electronics and intelligent motion once again attracted the "Who's Who" from the sector to the Nuremberg exhibition halls from 8 - 10th May. The event addressed...
Güntner presents an air cooling unit with variable fans for industrial refrigeration at Chillventa 2012. Different applications mean fans have to meet different demands. For instance, some customers need fans that process a lot of air, others...
Cooling fruits and vegetables properly is quite a sophisticated process in the area of refrigeration, since each variety has very specific requirements. Initial cooling and storage phase cooling are crucial for determining the period the...
Die CeBIT 2013 in Hannover beweist es: Das Mobiltelefon wird immer mehr zum Alleskönner. Zukünftig soll es auch beim Einkaufen helfen. Eine neue Smartphone-App liefert dem Verbraucher mit Hilfe der Augmented Reality Details zu Produkten und...
The PCIM Europe 2013 will take place in Nuremberg from May 14th to 16th. This year, again, more than 370 German and international exhibitors will present their latest innovations and solutions in the field of power electronics. The focus of the...
Hybrid-TV war das zentrale Thema des Informationstags "Broadcast goes Broadband", zu dem die Medientage München die Entscheidungsträger der Medienbranche einlud. Hybrid-TV verspricht Programmanbietern und Werbetreibenden neue Erlösmodelle,...

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