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Indien ist das Partnerland der HANNOVER MESSE 2015. Mit dem Motto "Make in India" wirbt der indische Premierminister Narendra Modi für die Produktionsmöglichkeiten in seinem Land und setzt auf einen Ausbau der deutsch-indischen Kooperation.
Güntner presents a V-coil dry cooler from the GFD series in a version optimized for container shipping at Chillventa 2012 in Nuremberg. It can be ordered optionally with transport rails that make it very easy to move the unit into or out of...
From 'The Godfather', 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and 'Titanic', Paramount Pictures has become synonymous with entertainment and above all creativity, and today the brand stands for more - adventure and escape. Now, in its 101st year, the global...