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Zu den Neuheiten rund ums Fahrrad zählen auf der ISPO BIKE 2013 auch wieder aktuelle Sicherheitskonzepte, wie Helme und Brillen, die in gewohnt innovativen Designs präsentiert werden.
ProDigitAlive has presented its novelty "ProDiAl" at the HIGH END show 2013 in Munich. The ProDiAl audio system offers a true stereo sound with a perfect reproduction of natural sound thanks to a special algorithm. Yuri Koganitsky, engineer at...
Bose stellt auf der IFA 2010 in Berlin die neuen Home Entertainment Systeme Lifestyle V-Class und Lifestyle T-Class vor, die beeindruckenden 5.1 Surround Sound mit dem neuen Bose Unify Intelligent Integration System kombinieren -- eine...
Susanne Frommert im Gespräch mit Markus Halbig von REVOX über die neuesten Produkttrends zur HIGH END: Multiroom-System REVOX M100.
Güntner presents a V-coil dry cooler from the GFD series in a version optimized for container shipping at Chillventa 2012 in Nuremberg. It can be ordered optionally with transport rails that make it very easy to move the unit into or out of...
The world of system integration in micro electronics will once again be gathered at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center from the 16th - 18th April, 2013 for the SMT Hybrid Packaging. Both the trade fair and the conference will focus on networks...
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